Wednesday 5 June 2024


Verb tcheûrre = to fetch, to run. In the meaning of fetch it is only used in the infinitive with verbs êt', aller, envyer, v'nîn


It is used like verb qu'si e.g. va tcheûrre/va qu'si, vein tcheûrre/vein qu'si = go and fetch/come and fetch


The Dictionnaire Jersiais-Français states that these 2 verbs are used interchangeably, but tcheûrre can be used for fetching things, & qu'si for fetching people


tcheûrre can also mean to run (usual verb for running in modern Jèrriais is couôrre) but only survives in some phrases & structures


3rd person present:

i' tcheurt comme un chèr  = he runs like a deer

Lé brit tcheurt = the rumour runs


L'heuthe qué les cats tcheuthent, et les tchians quand i' peuvent = the hour that cats run & dogs when they can



tcheurs l'avant = run along

tcheurs mé qu'si... = run & fetch me...


However we've found some other uses in writings by Philippe Le Sueur Mourant (1848-1918)

tcheuthant = running (present participle)

j'tcheur[s] = I run (1st person present)


and in a text by Charles Picot (1840 - 1921)

tu tcheur[s] = you run (2nd person present)

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